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please read immediately trucc law needs your help

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September 22, 2006
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject: please read immediately trucc law needs your help
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currently there is a law that has just been introduced to the senate..its called trucc..truth in reliable understanding of consumers costs act... go to under current events then go to special events..Its about the fuel surcharges / and disclosing to us about the truth in what the brokers have been making on our loads.....this bill if passed will finally allow us to know exactly what they are charging the manufacturers and how badly we have been getting ripped off... most brokers as of may 6 this year have been giving us better money ..wanna know why cuz they are afraid if this bill gets passed we can sue them with the reco know the racqetering everyone of you needs to go there and call your congressmen and let them know you want this bill passed.. the more of you that do this quickly the better it will be...time is of essence here ladies and gentlemen..because if we dont we will all starve...and food costs will be astronomical...The quicker that you do this the faster the bill will be passed ..And we cant allow one more trucking company to go to date 178000 trucks have been turned in this year and 978 trucking companys have went under,,,,not just the single owner operators but larger ones too.. the main number to reach the congress hotline to find out who the senators are in your state is 202 224 3121....

please do this for all of us......its time to make a stand

this is inertia over and out

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.I got my truck drivers license to save up money for college (in toronto), and have landed a job which takes me from Toronto to Vancouver, then California back to Toronto.

If you're interested in seeing the continent, and are at a stage of your life where you would be able to be out of town for up to 2 weeks at a time, or just like geeky boys, keep reading.

My goal is to save up enough money to pay for tuition and startup funds for a music industry related business, but am concerned about being more of a social animal than I care to admit, but the truck gets rather lonely at times. I should have enough saved up by winter 2009, which is when I'll be going to college.

If you enjoy camping, and like reading, engaging conversation & debate, and (preferred, not required) have glasses and (required) a sense of humor, lets chat.

I'm not your average truck driver - a rather nerdy but assertive type. Lets talk HTML.

Looking for friends, maybe (hopefully) more at some point. Lets do coffee and chat in the meantime.

I'm a semi-professional photographer as a hobby, and watch very little television outside of documentaries and non-fiction items, and downloaded cartoons - (family guy and southpark).

I enjoy second hand everything except underwear.

I find myself the most comfortable around artistic types and those generally who might consider themselves "outcasts", being one at times myself.

Not a fan of the "bar/club" scene, but I do enjoy an occasional (preferably organic) beer at an open stage or restaraunt. Moderation! Not a fan of gambling or hard drugs, a bit of a "hippie" at heart I suppose.

I'm not a huge fan of makeup and perfumes or other "artificiality" mechanisms perpetuated by beauty magazines and consumer culture.

My life goal right now is to start a record label type empire - or work as a record engineer or band manager.

Despite this, i'd like to think I'm fairly easy going, hit me up for a chat!
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